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Become a Friend of
Wachiska Audubon Society
This local chapter membership lets you participate in all our events, programs, committees, and voting. All of your membership donation directly supports the Wachiska chapter and your membership is 100 percent tax deductible.
In addition, only Friend members receive our monthly printed newsletter, The Babbling Brook, delivered to your mailbox. Or you can choose electronic delivery.
Select the level of annual support
that is right for you.
$50 Black-capped Chickadee Friend
$250 Western Meadowlark Friend
Make your check payable to Wachiska Audubon Society.
Include your name, address, email address, and if you would like to receive the newsletter by mail or email.
Click Here to Join online: Join
Mail your check and information to:
Wachiska Audubon Society
Attention: Membership Committee
4547 Calvert St Ste 10 Lincoln NE 68506-5643
If you are already a member of National Audubon Society (NAS) you automatically become a member of Wachiska, but not a Wachiska Friend. Only Wachiska Friends receive the printed monthly newsletter each month.
If you wish to join NAS or receive Audubon magazine, please contact National Audubon Society directly.


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